Friday, July 12, 2013

Jake Stone

     Jake Stone is a judge and a volunteer firefighter.
     He’s certain the woman in the smoke-filled courthouse is the arsonist. But her wide, blue eyes and gasping breath asks, “Am I dead?”
     And Jake feels the ice encasing his heart start to melt. But when she begs him not to turn her into police, he can’t let her go without finding out what she knows. When Mia slips away through the thick smoke, he’s sure he made a mistake. But after he finds her in the crowd of on-lookers, and finds the tires of his truck slit, he wonders if she’s the villain or the victim.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Durham, NC

     Names are changed to protect the innocent...
or in this case, to create the setting for a work of fiction.
     Chatham County becomes Courtney County in the novel.
     The American Tobacco Trail retains the same name, but areas around Durham get new names. Can you read the locations and guess the real places?
     Members of my family love riding on the American Tobacco Trail as do many of the citizens of the area. The trail closes at sundown, so no cyclists were put in danger during the writing of this novel.  LOL
     Read Flames of Deceit and drop me a line.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Mia Clark...

Mia is determined, smart and loyal. Even when she's torn by worry her faith isn't justified, she won't let go.

Take a spin in Mia's shoes.
Experience her worst fear...Look into the eyes of a man who melts your socks off...and realize you can't tell him the truth. Her secrets, his job and the threat to family keep Mia from opening up to Jake.

Have you been in that situation? Can you name your worst fear? Have you faced it? How did you cope?

Have you been on a bicycle in the past twenty years? Can you ride well enough to save your life and perhaps the life of the man you're starting to love?